It's been a year since I left the portals of my school PSBB; a name oft heard being discussed by people for various reasons. As the adage goes, time and tide indeed wait for none. I'm amazed to find that a whole year in college is done and dusted and I have but two more years to go before I have to shed my 'carefree and irresponsible ways' and become an 'adult' in the true meaning of the word. College is truckloads of fun. Being typical human beings, we always have grudges about anything and everything. It is only when we are away from it do we realize how much we miss it. Same is the case with me with respect to my Alma mater PSBB. While at school, I always had grudges against small things. Now being in college a whole year has brought me a lot of fun albeit, there are times when I miss PSBB terribly.
The inevitable list:
1) Shri gurubhyo namaha, sukhi bhava: the typical P.S.B.B way of students greeting teachers and teachers blessing them in return. It has a very unique ring to it.
2) Morning assemblies with TM which never failed to induce its soporific effect on us.
3) Elections : the clichéd yet delightful period in school where every section of the 12th would be actively involved in ensuring that their candidate would be a shoo-in for the post of school prefect. The school would be transformed into a colorful canvass …. The banners, the posters et al...
5) Anniversaries – truly unforgettable.
6) Reverberations- the 11th and 12th would enjoy it while the 9th and 10th wished that they were in the 11th or 12th.
7) Maargazhi Mahotsav- the school would come alive in December with religious sayings, shlokas and upanyasas by Velukudi Krishnan and many others. Mellifluous renditions of popular carnatic songs in the kutcheris, dance performances were the order of the day.
8) G.As- was, is and will always be synonymous with FUN. The enthusiasm from the students has always been overwhelming.
9) The canteen
10) Pattani Sundal Bonda Bajji
11) A few teachers and friends who are instrumental in making my memories in P.S.B.B immortal:
Mrs. Girija Krishnamurthy, Mrs.Girija Dilip (L.kg), Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Raman (if at first I loved English, as time lapsed, she made me feel immensely passionate about it), Mrs. Hemalatha Seshadri, Mrs. Rama Arunachalam, Mrs.Mahalakshmi Ramjee and Mrs.Pushpa Vijayaraghavan.
As for my friends, Sruthi more popularly known as SVR, Kirthika, better still as Kirukkuthika, Pavi (though for a very short time), Janani, Radhika (my partner in crime for many years), Jane, Priya, Aishwarya and Dhanya.
Over the years, I have always been unhappy with certain things at school. Like any other school, it has its own flaws. However, at the risk of being called melodramatic, I'm proud to be a PSBBian. PSBB has not been just a school to me; it has been a way of life. The school has indeed given me a lot, something I am more conscious of after passing out of it than while I was with it.