Is june as bad as it seems?? Read on to find out.
It is 11:00 AM in the morning, I am still in bed, deliberating on whether or not it is early enough for me to wake up, or just escape the harsh realities of life and go back to sleep. Now that I have woken up, it is hard. Basking lazily in the vast expanse of oblivion, I am rudely interrupted by the sight I see on my calendar. My stomach starts to churn, my face becomes clammy and I break into a sweat that has nothing to do with fever. You may ask why. It is the last week of my vacation. As may slips away into june, I will be in college- a world of ragging , teasing and definitely fun, though after a very long time of the former aspects, the protected world of school where 12th graders ruled the roost, quite forgotten.
Is june as bad as it seems?? Read on to find out.
It is 11:00 AM in the morning, I am still in bed, deliberating on whether or not it is early enough for me to wake up, or just escape the harsh realities of life and go back to sleep. Now that I have woken up, it is hard. Basking lazily in the vast expanse of oblivion, I am rudely interrupted by the sight I see on my calendar. My stomach starts to churn, my face becomes clammy and I break into a sweat that has nothing to do with fever. You may ask why. It is the last week of my vacation. As may slips away into june, I will be in college- a world of ragging , teasing and definitely fun, though after a very long time of the former aspects, the protected world of school where 12th graders ruled the roost, quite forgotten.
The thought of June fills me with dread. Apart from the worry of how I would cope in an entirely new vicinity called ‘COLLEGE,’ a part of me also realizes that my two month long period of fun encompassing hours of aimlessly lolling around are about to screech to an abrupt and unceremonious halt. The inexorability and the unavoidability of June strikes me as inopportune and unjust. Being a commerce student, going to college feels like going back to school as it starts in june. Fie on Juno, the Roman goddess. But for her, june would have been omitted from our almanac- undeniably no great loss as far as the student population is concerned.
Gone are the afternoons when aimlessly watching the idiot box or hanging out with friends had a smile emanating from our lips, the worries of studies for the interim, forgotten in the sweet and indolent moments of pure fun and frolic . Then cometh, the start of college.
The first week of college is always a nerve wracking one as you are uneasily aware of the fact that you are no longer the senior most . In a way, it is surprising as, you fall from the pedestal of being one of the oldest in school to being the most bullied lot when you enter the portals of college for the first time within just a matter of two months.
Apart from combating the merciless ragging in college, it also dawns on us that the faculty too are a different set from the ones we faced at school. A myriad of thoughts will engulf us regarding the new set of teachers who are to teach us. Finding out the distinctiveness of different teachers is usually the most daunting of tasks. There are the friendly ones who always have a sweet smile on their lips, ever ready to hand out pleasant advice to the students and have a demeanor that is extremely pleasing, thereby endearing themselves to even the spoiled brats in college . Then of course, there is always the stricter, albeit kind hearted variety, with a stiff upper lip and not a hair out of place. They are the teachers who belong to the genre of making even the bullies and dadas of any college quail with fear. Woe betide any student who misbehaves, and they are sure to be caught in the vortex of a storm, thus confirming the strictness levels in a teacher.
As time lapses we eventually manage to settle down in our respective colleges . We are soon caught in the never ending web of time. The next summer vacations seem far, far away. True, vacation time will soon come again, along with another new batch of juniors who will face the same apprehensions we faced . We will cease to be the bullied lot, soon looked-up to by our juniors.
After all, as Percy Shelley puts it in his beautiful poem ‘Ode To The West Wind,’
‘if winter comes, can spring be far behind?’
After all, as Percy Shelley puts it in his beautiful poem ‘Ode To The West Wind,’
‘if winter comes, can spring be far behind?’
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