1. You are rummaging desperately through a heaped up mess in your room trying to find a book- your TEXTBOOK.
2) You start thinking more kindly about the gal in the first row and her notes.
3) You drink coffee four times a day – a tad surprising as you abhor coffee.
4) The clock strikes 9 and you begin to feel sleepy.
5) You promise yourself that you will study well in advance the next time around.(are you nuts??)
6) You find the courage, patience and resolve to finally open your Xeroxed notes and you start yawning your head off.
7) Your parents tell you to take a break from studying.
8) It takes half an hour for one sentence to sink into your head.
9) You take a 1 hour break for half an hour of studying
10) You start telling yourself off for bunking 9 out of 10 classes.
11) Your friend finds you at her doorstep on Friday evening b’cos you want to take a copy of the exam notes from her as opposed to your normal reason which happens to be partying.
12) It’s a Friday and you are desperately studying without welcoming the weekend.
13) You remember for the first time after coming to college that pens and pencils exist and decide to grace the stationery shop with your exalted presence.
14) You start dreaming about a blank answer sheet and a red spotted report card- and you never, ever dream.
15) You promise yourself (very idiotically) that you will start studying for the very next exam during your semester holidays.
16) You read this post and groan cos you know that you agree with what you’re reading
I start preparing my 'bits' hehehe.... lol
Madhu, you are bringing me back to my school days.. We are thinking of you and wishing you the best for the dreaded exams..
Sree & Sajeeva
LOL at the list! XD I can relate to 8 and 12.
And this, my dear cousin, is why you are supposed to attend class, and not, as you say "skip 9 out of 10". XD (Please tell me you were kidding...XD)
And... whut? My sister wished you good luck on your exams and not me? What's up with that...!? XD;
me and sm of my frnds hv started an E-magazine called Reader's Quotient, it is totally for a noble cause, i came across ur blog in my quest to search excellent writers and felt worth inquire u if u shall be willing to come along us ?
if yes pls contact us on sangeeta.goswami@readersquotient.com
regds sangeeta
very racy & fluid style!Can't help but agreeing with you on so many aspects! Great blog! Keeep blogging more often-Anon
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